The Women’s Art Association of Hamilton (WAAH) was formed in 1894 and has played a pivotal role in the promotion of art in this city, including the creation of the AGH. The Association’s annual juried show has occurred every year since 1896 and has been hosted by the AGH since 1947. WAAH continues to showcase a wide range of practicing artists in this region.
The theme for the 2020 juried exhibition asks contributors to focus on recent work in hopes to capture some of the singular spirit of this past year.
Listing Image: Best in Show by Amanda McKinney Sparrow, Helen, AGH Volunteer, Visions of Gratitude (detail), 2020, acrylic & coloured pencils
Header Image: [left] Pat Martin, Heejung, 2020, oil [right] Tracey Mae Chambers, Wire Coral, 2020, encaustic
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